Instructional Design Website


As part of this portfolio project, I designed a training website to instruct learners on how to portion an Olive Garden Salad.


Project Instructions

The major project of the class was to create an instructional website with text, graphics, and interactive multimedia. Once the website was created, several evaluations were performed in order to deem the website as an effective instructional website. The information represented on this website was in relation to Olive Garden Salad portioning.

Instructional Design Website Transcript

If you’d like to view the old website, click the link below, but proceed at your own risk!

Training Website

Video Overview

For this project, I had created a video overview to introduce my classmates to my project. While you cannot take the smile sheet survey at the end of the video, I felt this still was a great resource for users to review to get a quick introduction on the purpose of my site.

Please note: In this video overview (tutorial) below, there is a link that appears on the screen, as well as some unfamiliar screens that I refer to as “indexes.” These links and indexes were part of my old website, which was stored on the school server at the time of recording. Please use the website link below this tutorial to access this website while watching the overview.

A video tutorial or overview of my website is included below.

Project Details

  • Tools used in Development: Microsoft Word, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Captivate, Camtasia
  • Time in Development: 9 days
  • Assessment: Graduate-level College Class Project
  • Reviewers: Dr. Anastasia Trekles