Restaurant Food Lab


This project sample focused on an undergraduate project where I was required to run a restaurant for a day. This was a major project for one of the final practicum courses of my undergraduate degree. 

The lab restaurant was set in the evening and had two seat times. The cuisine was Thai food as the overall theme for all the student projects were international cuisines. I was assisted in instruction by Chef Pitparnee Stompor given usually student projects had pairs. There was an odd number in the class, so I was tasked to work on the project in mostly solo fashion.

The project binder contains the following:

  • Menu
  • Schedules
  • Checklists
  • Reservations
  • Front of the House Diagrams
  • Back of the House Diagrams
  • Pre-Prep Information
  • Equipment List
  • Master Ingredient List/Purchase Order
  • Recipes


Restaurant Foods Lab 

Restaurant Foods Lab Project Sample (PDF) – Downloadable Version

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Project Details

  • Tools used in Development: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Excel, Digital Camera, Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Time in Development: 14 days
  • Assessment: Graduate-level College Project
  • Collaborators: In-instruction – Chef Pitparnee Duangpustra Stompor, M.B.A.

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