HTML Builds & Website Project


As part of a major project for one of my graduate classes, I was assigned to redesign a (fictitious) university website and create some HTML pages. The purpose of this project was to teach the students on how to work in a client-based relationship versus as an Instructional Designer for a company.

HTML – Website Builds

In the below image slider are screenshots of HTML pages I built during graduate school. I know they’re not as pretty as today’s standards, but they’re colorful and were accessible at the time!

HTML Builds Transcript

Sunrise University Website

The former website was stored on a web server with my graduate school. For a while, it was hosted in my original portfolio; however, new web technologies cause the old site template to not function accurately.

Screenshots of the website are included in the carousel below.

Sunrise University Website Transcript

If you’d like to view the old website, click the link below, but proceed at your own risk!

Sunrise University Website

Flash Module

This was a flash module created for the Biology Department of Sunrise University and was the second module of this project. The site can be accessed by clicking the link below or by going to the Department of Biology’s page of Sunrise University.

Out of the four assigned topics, I chose the Cell Cycle and Mitosis option. This tutorial was created in Actionscript 2.0.

Flash Module Transcript

Unfortunately the webpage for this old item is unavailable since Flash is now disabled in almost every electronic device.

Javascript Module

The English Tutorial covers The Machine Stops and was the third module of the Sunrise University Project.

Javascript Transcript

The structure of the tutorial is a fluid page with a left column, header, and footer. It has embedded YouTube videos, resources about the story, and instructions for the tutorial. Javascript was used in this tutorial to make it more interactive. Within this tutorial is a mouse-over button, a few buttons that change text, and a timer which displays the time from when the story was published. I see Javascript has a lot of potential and would like to explore it further in my web design adventure.

If you’d like to view the old website, click the link below, but proceed at your own risk!

Javascript Tutorial

Mobile Website Module

The final module was an interactive mobile website. The site could be accessed by clicking the link below or by going to the Department of Behavioral Science’s page of Sunrise University.

 Mobile Website Transcript

The mobile homepage has a spry accordion with the fundamental information about Art Therapy. The other two pages include a quiz using PHP/PHTML and a drawing canvas page with a drawing tutorial. The PHP quiz will provide the end-user their results of the quiz and it will be emailed to them as well. There are several drawing tutorials for users to try out. I have included multiple canvases, which are for use on a computer or mobile device. One page has a mobile drawing screen that is able to be used on touch screen devices. The other tutorials may not work on all touchscreen devices depending on how the how the device supports the code. These other screens offer more features and interactivity for the end-user of the Art Therapy tutorial.

If you’d like to view the old website, click the link below, but proceed at your own risk!

Mobile Website