Adding a New User as a Site Administrator in Moodle (Video)


This process demonstrates to the LMS Administrator how to create a user within the Site Administration area and add that user as a Site Administrator in an instructional video.


Item Details

  • Tools used in Development: Microsoft Word, Camtasia, Moodle LMS, YouTube
  • Time in Development: 5 hours
  • Client: Tech Eddies (fictitious)
  • Role: Instructional Designer, Graphic Designer, System Administrator, and Subject-matter Expert

Learning Objectives

Terminal Course Outcomes

  1. Given access to the Site Administration area, the Learner will navigate to the user management area and create a new user account.
  2. Given creation of a new user, the Learner will navigate to the Site Administrator management area and enroll the new user as a Site

Learning Objectives

  1. Learner is able to access the Site Administration area.
  2. Given access to the Site Administration area, the Learner will navigate to the user management area.
  3. Given successful navigation to the user management area of Site Administration, the Learner will have created a new user.
  4. Given access to the Site Administration area, the Learner will locate the Site Administrator management area.
  5. Given creation of a new user, the Learner will enroll the new user as a Site Administrator.


A centralized document that contains all of the project information, which includes the following sections: Outline, Blueprint, Learning Outcomes, Script, Research, and Case Study.

Project Design Document (PDF) – Downloadable Version

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